Antigua & Barbuda

Antigua & Barbuda Passport
The Antigua and Barbuda citizenship by investment program is one of the newest in the Caribbean.
It was launched in 2013.
Investors can get a passport by investing at least $100,000.

There are four options:
1 – contributions to government
2 – University fund
3 – Purchase of real estate
4 – commercial investments.

Family members can obtain citizenship together with the investor.
The program allows the spouse, children, parents and siblings of the principal applicant to participate.

Property purchased to participate in the citizenship program can be sold after 5 years to return the money.
The investor can also earn rental income during his ownership.
Antigua and Barbuda offers a private investment option for families of six or more. They can contribute $150,000+ to the University of the West Indies Fund.
Therefore, a large family spends less than any other CBI program in the Caribbean.
A family member can enroll in college and study for free for a year.

Investment Cost


Visa Free Travel

+151 Countries

USA Advantage

B-1/B-2 Visa

Process Time

4 - 6 Months

Investment Type

Donation / Real Estate

Do you have any questions?

Don’t worry, if you have any questions or want to know more about obtaining citizenship in general or about resident permit and investment.

We are here to help you.

If you got any questions, Please ASK US We are here to help you.